Tag Archive for: (Her)ontwerp het aanbod van je organisatie

It’s Not Companies That Innovate, It’s The People In Them
When innovation has power and legitimacy, it is easier for innovation teams to build collaborative relationships with their colleagues in the core business, says Tendayi Viki; corporate innovation expert and Associate Partner at Strategyzer.

Creating a Self-perpetuating Marketing Machine
Launching a new service or product at the right time and in the right way is crucial for its success. Lean start-up of your business idea is essential, explains Dominik Mahr, Professor in Digital Innovation and Marketing at Maastricht University.

Discovering Value for the Customer and the Organisation
Base your product or service on the wrong assumptions and you’ll soon be wasting time, energy and money. Prototyping is an essential step in the design thinking process and the best way to learn more about your customers and improve your ideas.

Ideation and Creativity Make Your Business Future Proof
For your business to stay relevant in future, you need to detect key trends and truly understand your customers’ needs. Carmen Vonken, project leader at UMIO’s Service Science Factory, shares some simple yet effective techniques to boost creativity.

Erasmus Grant on Service Design Thinking
Implementing Service Design Thinking at the highest level of organisations; that is the goal of the study module that the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management (SBE) and the Service Science Factory (UMIO) will co-develop.