The Key Challenges of Digitalisation
The challenges of digitalisation for businesses are real and immediate. But, there is no better time than now to embrace these challenges and make them work for you, rather than against you.
In this short video, Dominik Mahr, Professor of Digital Innovation and Marketing at Maastricht University and Scientific Director of UMIO’s Service Science Factory, shares some key insights into how to turn these challenges into opportunities. Unlocking the potential of digitalisation lies with the customer and not with the product or service. Defining and understanding the customer’s needs can add real value for them, as well as for your business.
Online management programme
Are you having trouble seeing the digital transformation opportunities for your organisation? Do you have difficulties prioritising different initiatives? In that case our Masterclass in Digital Transformation (in Dutch) might be worth considering.
If you feel our expertise on digital innovation and marketing can help you and your organisation get ahead, please get in touch and let’s start creating an impact together!
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