Tag Archive for: Opleiding Verbindend Leiderschap

The Importance of Creating Leadership Momentum
It’s clear that we now live in a world full of confusion, ambiguity and disruption. The pace of change has outstripped our ability to keep up with it. Things don’t seem to work the same way anymore. It’s like the rules have changed on how to lead.

Trust Does Not Need Sympathy
The legitimation of leadership no longer comes from disciplinary power but from exemplary influence on the development of the organisation. Matthias Moelleney presents his advice to those responsible for developing sustainable, agile organisations.

The Sustainable Design Opportunity is Now
Let’s look at the workplace through a new prism and recognise that each business, no matter how small, has a chance to not only make a significant reduction in their carbon footprint but also to create an improved workplace experience for all.

A Human Approach to Leadership
It’s taken a virus to knock us out of our complacency and force us to rethink many assumptions that govern the world of work. COVID-19 has accelerated the rate of social and economic change and leaders cannot afford to be left behind.

Connecting Leadership: Needed Now more than Ever
During a recent, very well attended WebTalks session, Frans Wilms considered different aspects of connecting leadership to answer the pressing question “how can we lead in peace with enough space and without losing direction or results?”.

Leading through Today’s Confluence of Crises
COVID-19 started off as a health crisis but has since morphed into a confluence of crises. The challenge for leaders and organisations is how this confluence could disrupt their business and then chart their blueprint for renewal and transformation.

De vier R’s van verbindend leiderschap
In this online session with leadership expert Frans Wilms, we discussed the balancing act of letting go versus defining boundaries, and we showed how to lead by leaving more room for your employees without losing sight of strategy and results.

Creëer zonder stress de verandering die je beoogt
In deze WebTalks-sessie met leiderschapsexpert Frans Wilms verdiepen we twee inzichten, twee overtuigingen en twee vaardigheden, die samen zes onmisbare pijlers voor het leiderschap van nu vormen.

Two Leadership Styles to Create Impact
Leadership styles come in all shapes and sizes. We outline a simple guide to keep focus amidst the diversity of appearances and definitions. We also show you the signals by which you can recognise each leadership style.