Building Future-proof Business Models
In a world where change is the only constant, it is important that businesses and their business models are adaptive, respond to changes in customer needs, yet also take a proactive stand towards capitalising on opportunities digitisation for example provide.
In this short workshop you will get some practical tools how to engage in iterative experimentation and continuous improvement of your business model through a practical guideline to design future proof business models. Creativity is an important factor in innovation, that also needs to be unlocked when looking at your own business model.
This webinar series is offered to you by UMIO | Maastricht University as a response to the pandemic and the inevitably many questions that arose from it for yourself and your organisation.
In this first series of five episodes, we aimed to open up a dialogue with professionals and organisations to create a joined understanding of what would be the best way forward.
If you feel our expertise on business model innovation can help you and your organisation get ahead, please get in touch and let’s start creating an impact together!
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This webpage was designed for members of UMIO Prime only. Did you stumble upon this page by accident or did someone share the link? Lucky you! Become a member if you want full access to all of our premium content. It is simple, fast and free of charge!