To Lead when Everything Seems Unpredictable
In a time of crisis when everything seems unpredictable, people easily turn to those they trust to guide them to a better and more stable future in which there is safety and a sense of control. Leaders often feel comfortable in such a dynamic and pro-actively take charge to meet followers’ needs. At the same time this can put leaders in a tricky spot, because can you indeed provide the stability and predictability that followers are seeking in the unpredictable context of a crisis?
This webinar explores this dynamic and provides concrete guidelines to prevent the creation of an illusion of control.
This webinar series is offered to you by UMIO | Maastricht University as a response to the pandemic and the inevitably many questions that arose from it for yourself and your organisation.
In this first series of five episodes, we aimed to open up a dialogue with professionals and organisations to create a joined understanding of what would be the best way forward.
Customised programmes for teams and organisations
Are you a proactive leader who wants to help the organisation navigate the complexities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic? Is your aim to capitalise on the opportunities in this crisis and enable your team to come out on top?
With our customised programmes, we can help you and your people get comfortable with the unpredictable. We draw upon Maastricht University’s broad range of academic expertise and use innovative learning methods to design unique, cross-disciplinary learning journeys that enable you to create a meaningful impact for your organisation, also during uncertain times like these.
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This webpage was designed for members of UMIO Prime only. Did you stumble upon this page by accident or did someone share the link? Lucky you! Become a member if you want full access to all of our premium content. It is simple, fast and free of charge!