Futurise Your Business – WebTalk 10 of 10
Making a company future proof involves understanding the customer of the future. This means stepping into the shoes of the customer and interacting with him or her directly. The customer of the future is illusive, he/she does not necessarily exist in the organisations’ CRM system, so it involves prototyping one. Dominik tells us here how they were able to develop this customer of the future persona and what impact and effect this engagement with the future customer had on the perceptions of the CEOs and management teams and ultimately the company strategy.
In the past, there was always a clear distinction between a product and a service, something tangible vs something intangible. Nowadays, those traditional perceptions and boundaries have blurred. The value of a certain service or product is now the key. Organisations need to innovate with services to survive.
Dominik Mahr – Professor in Digital Innovation and Marketing at Maastricht University – and Damien Nunes – Design Thinker & Trainer at UMIO – discuss the concept and potential of Service Innovation as a method for reinventing organisations to make them future-proof.
This episode is part of the larger WebTalk series called ‘Futurise Your Business’. As a member of UMIO Prime, you can download our app to gain access to the whole series!
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