Preparing for Digitalisation – WebTalk 2 of 2
Doing things differently, getting ahead of the trend and deviating from the classic business model; digitalisation can be a radical process and it requires some re-thinking. However, as with any innovation, it comes with some challenges. Alexander Brüggen acknowledges that digitalisation can trigger anxiety in people. Managing this, and preparing and training people properly, is the key to being ready for the digitalisation process.
Together with Alexander Brüggen – Professor of Management Accounting at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics – we talk about what digitalisation means for organisations and what they need to do to be ready for the digitalisation process.
This episode is part of the larger WebTalk series called ‘Preparing for Digitalisation’. As a member of UMIO Prime, you can download our app to gain access to the whole series!
If you feel our expertise on Digitalisation can help you and your organisation get ahead, please get in touch and let’s start creating an impact together!
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