Innovate with Service Design – WebTalk 4 of 6
Design Thinking can be outsourced to external consultants, but Gaby Odekerken argues a lot of the work can be done internally. It is important to work with the change leaders within your organisation as they can mobilise others in the Design Thinking mindset, which creates a snowball effect. Gaby uses an example from her work with a hospital, which started the Design Thinking process with one department.
It’s all in the mind. How organisations need to think differently if they want to stay ahead of the competition and continue to be relevant to their customer-base, now and in the future.
Gaby Odekerken – Professor of Customer-Centric Service Science – and Damien Nunes – Design Thinker & Trainer at UMIO – discuss the meaning and impact of Service Design and Design Thinking on organisations and how this approach can offer dynamic and innovative solutions to a competitive and fast-paced globalised world. Using examples from her work at the Service Science Factory, Gaby demonstrates the success this approach has had on organisations’ bottom line.
This episode is part of the larger WebTalk series called ‘Innovate with Service Design’. As a member of UMIO Prime, you can download our app to gain access to the whole series!
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