Digitalise the Decision Making – WebTalk 7 of 8
Air New Zealand’s advert for the Microsoft HoloLens illustrates how data-driven service innovation can drive forward changes in the customer experience of flying. Yet, there are some downsides to this innovation, which affect not only the business world, but has consequences for society too.
The use of data-driven decision-making, or ‘DDDM’ to give it a snappy acronym, is a huge growth area in both the B2B and the B2C sectors. Big data and digitalisation are hot topics and here, Martin Wetzels – Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Research – talks to Damien Nunes – Design Thinker & Trainer at UMIO – about how all this data can and is being harnessed and the consequences this has for business and society, now and in the future. Will our jobs be automated in the near future, and if so, what can we do to future-proof companies and ourselves?
This episode is part of the larger WebTalk series called ‘Digitalise the Decision Making’. As a member of UMIO Prime, you can download our app to gain access to the whole series!
If you feel our expertise on digitalisation can help you and your organisation get ahead, please get in touch and let’s start creating an impact together!
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