Augmented Reality: A Means to Manage a 1.5-meters Economy?
WebTalks – 28/05/2020
From 16 April to 2 July, UMIO organised a series of eleven webinars in partnership with a range of experts from other centres and institutes at Maastricht University to address some of the most urgent and important questions for any individual or organisation dealing with the consequences of the current corona pandemic.
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Many organisations rely on physical means to deliver information to their customers. An obvious example is the information on product packages in supermarkets. But how to access information when physically touching products is not an option anymore?
This webinar addresses Augmented Reality as an alternative form of presenting information and presents its potential in creating a meaningful impact on businesses and consumers. What works and what is just a gimmick? How does it differ from Virtual Reality? Will it help companies to sell their products or services? And how can it support us in times of COVID-19?
Jonas Heller is a postdoctoral researcher at BISS Institute. Jonas has a mission in his research: he wishes to generate rigorous evidence-based insights about the impact of emerging technologies in consumers and societies. He is especially interested in the role of digital technologies, sensory marketing and consumer decision-making.
Some of the research questions Jonas addresses are ‘How do emerging technologies influence customer experiences, decision-making, and choice?’ and ‘Can digital technologies such as augmented and virtual reality help consumers in making better decisions?’.
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With a free UMIO Prime membership you gain access to all our network contacts and activities. As a bonus, our UMIO Prime app helps you sign up for live events with just one tap and stay connected to all people you meet.